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Atelier Culturel: the influence of the French language and culture on Vietnam

Influence of the French language and culture on Vietnam
(cultural workshop in French)

Gigi Kuhn will share her personal experience as a French native speaker and Vietnamese born. She grew up in Saigon in a bilingual household where French and Vietnamese were equally spoken. Her dual heritage shaped her desire to embrace multilingualism and experience the world. She will present why Vietnam is an attractive destination among Europeans, what is the profound impact of the French colonization over Vietnam in food, alphabet and culture.

This workshop will be given in French.
Minimum level required: B1.


  • Date : Saturday, September 28th
  • Time: 1 PM to 2:30 PM
  • Place : Zoom
  • Group Size: 10 maximum
  • Fee: $40.00 for members and non-members

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RSVP by 27 Sep 2024 1:00pm

Note: Registrations are limited:   8 left


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