L’amour ! Ah, l’amour… If you were asked to give some French staples, the words “love” or
“romance” would be very likely to come up.
Et pour cause ! Every facet of French culture seems to be wearing rose-tinted glasses. From Paris (also known as
“the city of love”) throughout the arts, history and even in its language, it might not be so coincidental that France rhymes
with romance.
On Saturday, February 15th,
prolongez la Saint-Valentin and join us for a one-day immersion class sous le signe de
l’amour !
Six hours of work with one subject area, geared toward conversation with reviews of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
10 AM to 1 PM
1:30 PM to 4 PM
choose your level upon registration.
Basic level* = 104-204 (A1+/A2)
Intermediate level = 205-309 (B1)
Advanced level = 310+ (B2+)
*please note that our Basic level is
appropriate for complete beginner-level students
If you have never taken an immersion or regular class with us, you will need to take a placement test to find your level.
To schedule your placement test, contact Alissia at alliance@afphila.com, or call our office at 215-735-5283.
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Feb 12 2025 12:00pm