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Parlons Histoire: Les Femmes de la Résistance


Les Grandes Figures féminines de la Résistance 

The French Resistance is too often described in masculine terms. However, women played an important and neglected role. This new cycle of Parlons Histoire entitled "Les grandes figures féminines de la Résistance", pays tribute to these unsung heroines. Aubrac, De Gaulle-Anthonioz, Albrecht, Tillion and Fourcade are among them! Each month, we invite you to discover the exciting and tragic lives of these Braves among the Brave, who command respect and admiration...


  • Frequency : Monthly / Next session on December, 21
  • Time : 6:00 pm 
  • Duration : 1 hour 
  • Location : Online (Zoom) 
  • Language : French  
  • Fee : $10 for non members / $8 for Alliance Française members 


NOVEMBER 9 : Lucie AUBRAC (1912-2007)

Née en 1912, Lucie, femme rebelle et au caractère bien trempé, prend vite conscience de la montée des fascismes européens. Agrégée d’histoire, elle adhère aux Jeunesses communistes et épouse l’officier français, Raymond Aubrac. La guerre éclate. C’est le début d’une histoire dont elle n’imagine pas encore les ramifications: clandestinité, arrestations, évasions, torture...  et Victoire ! Icône de la Résistance, elle s’éteint en 2007. Jacques Chirac déclare : “Toute sa vie, elle a su garder dans nos cœurs la flamme des luttes de la République pour la Liberté". 

Born in 1912, Lucie, a rebellious woman with a strong character, quickly became aware of the rise of European fascism. History graduate, she joined the Communist Youth and married the French officer Raymond Aubrac. The war broke out. It was the beginning of a story whose ramifications she could not yet imagine: clandestinity, arrests, escapes, torture... and Victory! Icon of the Resistance, she died in 2007. President Jacques Chirac declared: "All her life, she knew how to keep in our hearts the flame of the Republic struggles for Freedom".


DECEMBER 21 : Geneviève DE GAULLE-ANTHONIOZ (1920-2002)

FEBRUARY 1st : Berty ALBRECHT (1893-1943)

MARCH 14 : Germaine TILLION (1907-2008)

APRIL 26 : Marie-Madeleine FOURCADE (1909-1989)

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